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June 2024 NAI Newsletter is Now Available to Download

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Download the NAI Pre Budget Submission 2025, watch the recording of our Letterkenny Patients Deserve Better launch, read about the questions raised with the HSE by the Oireachtas Health Committee on July 3rd, member news and more.

Issues raised by NAI get further attention at the Oireachtas Health Committee Meeting on Wed 3rd July

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A meeting of the Oireachtas Committee on Health on Wednesday July 3rd provided a further opportunity to raise questions on neurology and neurorehabilitation services, following on from the NAI presentation to the Committee on May 15th.

NAI welcomed the Health committee members giving so much time and focus to neurological issues during a meeting which included on its agenda the rollout of primary care centres and CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services).

Neurological Alliance of Ireland Pre Budget Submission

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Neurological Alliance of Ireland has submitted its Pre Budget Submission, on the theme of #rightplace, calling for funding to begin to address the regional inequity in access to neurology and neurorehabilitation services.

May 2024 NAI Newsletter is Now Available to Download

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Read about our latest Patients Deserve Better campaign launch, download our EU Election Manifesto, watch our May 15th presentation to Oireachtas Committee on Health, and read our NAI member news.

NAI Meeting with Oireachtas Committee on Health

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Representatives from the Neurological Alliance of Ireland will present to the Oireachtas Committee on Health on Wednesday 15th May to provide an update on the implementation of key healthcare strategies for neurological conditions.

NAI Manifesto for the European Elections 2024 Available to Download

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It's time to listen to people with neurological conditions throughout Europe. Over 300 million people throughout the EU are living with a neurological condition and according to the World Health Organisation one in three Europeans will experience a neurological condition at some point in their lifetime. Here in Ireland, over 860,000 people are living with a neurological condition,