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My Neuro Survey: Patient Experience Survey - Share Your Experiences

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The Neurological Alliance of Ireland has partnered with the Neurological Alliance of England and the other alliances in the UK to produce three surveys, which aim to understand the experiences of people affected by neurological conditions. 

Are you getting the care and support you need for your neurological condition? Everyone deserves access to the right care, treatment and support at the right time, no matter who you are or where you live. Unfortunately, too often this isn’t the case. We are asking you to share your experiences and help improve neurological services  for everyone affected by neurological conditions throughout Ireland.

Share your experiences by completing the My Neuro Survey, as taking part can make a huge difference. The survey findings will help NAI build a picture of treatment, care and support for people affected by neurological conditions in Ireland.

Complete the the #MYNeuroSurvey at SURVEY and find out more details about the survey on our dedicated web page at My Neuro Survey Information