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EFNA launches EU Election Manifesto

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The European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) has launched its Election Manifesto ahead of EU elections later this year.  The manifesto presents a comprehensive road-map toward prioritising optimal quality of life for people with neurological conditions and their carers.

Neurological conditions are the most frequent, disabling and costly of all non-communicable diseases in the EU. This manifesto outlines the urgent need for enhanced research, patient engagement and equitable access to treatments to support neurological patients. It emphasises the importance of collaborative efforts, including setting up an EU Joint Action on Neurological Conditions, launching a European plan to promote brain health, optimal living for neurology patients and combat neurological and brain disorders, leveraging the upcoming Brain Health Partnership for the benefit of neurology patients and implementing the WHO neurological action plan, to improve outcomes for individuals with neurological conditions.
The manifesto is available to download below.