NAI published its response to call for submissions on the Draft Initial State Response to the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
This submission focuses Article 26 of the UNCRPD which addresses the provision of habilitation and rehabilitation services.
The draft State report report outlines progress in meeting commitments under Article 26 through the following:
- Publication of a three-year Implementation Framework for the 2011 National Neurorehabilitation Strategy
- Establishment of a National Steering Group for implementation of the National Neurorehabilitation Strategy
- Redevelopment of the National Neurorehabilitation Strategy
The NAI submission contends that the content of the Draft Report as it stands fails to provide a realistic assessment of the lack of progress to date on implementation of existing policy and also fails to convey the reality of the huge gaps that still exist in neurorehabilitation services across all stages of the patient journey.
Our response is available to download at NAI Response to Draft Initial State Report UNCRPD